Tuesday, August 14, 2012

So, it's a first...

A first attempt at a blog, that is.  I'm a writer.  I've always been a writer but have that innate fear of putting my writings out in front of others. I also haven't been disciplined enough to write every day for the sheer reason of writing.  It seems I'm constantly arguing with myself about the content, the audience, the genre, the tone, the plot... gee, maybe that's because I'm not a fiction writer.

I find truth stranger (and most times more interesting) than fiction any day of the week.  There are, of course, a few exceptions and I definitely have favorite fiction and science fiction authors that I love to read.  I have also found that writing fiction in tandem with someone makes it much more enjoyable and productive... there's always a new twist each person takes.  It may be the first work of fiction I share when it's finished.

So, being inspired recently by a very positive, driven individual pursuing her dream in Chicago, I'm determined to at least write every day.  I will need to get over the fact that it may be meaningless drivel to me or anyone who may read it and just try to improve day by day... finding interesting questions and issues that I enjoy researching.  

Every morning, I will wake with the inspiration of:  Being better than I was yesterday, last week, last month, last year.  It's up to us to learn from our actions and reactions every day... whether that means trying to leave the house five minutes earlier, or procrastinating less, or being more diligent in some area or relationship that really matters.  Maybe it's trying to use more tact in our interactions with others... it's not so much about walking on egg shells because so-and-so needs to be treated with kid gloves, but more about this:  "You must be the Change You Want to See in the World." Mahatma Gandhi

We'll see what tomorrow brings~ rain or shine, I'm grateful to just be.

1 comment:

  1. Everything you write is interesting and beautiful! My family each have something to prove that on their walls!! I will always be interested in what you have to say and will "read" listen to whatever it is. You are one of the most important people in my life and I have the art to prove that too! There isn't a day that goes by that I don't look at my ankle and think of our friendship and all that has brought us together!! Keep writing and remember that even if you think it's not important or interesting it always will be to me!! Love you my BFF!!!!!!!!
