Monday, August 20, 2012

My Stump Speech

Defending Our Own... Criminals Will Fail.

Neighborhood Watch anyone?!

I'm irritated as hell with all of the break-ins, robberies, and seemingly sly hands that have infiltrated our town.  Not that this is a new crime we're being exposed to by any means.  I just believe it's time we take our homes, our property, and our neighborhoods back.

I don't think we should fall victim to these common criminals and be holed up in our homes.  So for me and mine, we will defend our property.  I'm envisioning some sly work of our own.  Strategically placed security cameras?  Maybe.  I think more appropriate would be the kind of snares, traps, and trickery that Macaulay Culkin used in Home Alone, only Montana style.  We've got boots with spurs, branding irons, horse shoes, cattle prods, firearms, and my favorite: fireworks.  I think Neighborhood Watch should make a huge comeback, maybe even with competitions to see who catches how many?  Wouldn't it be great to watch 'em scatter not knowing what the hell's going on?  They wouldn't know which homes actually have firearms for self defense. 

I'd really like to know what makes these idiots think they won't get caught... give 'em enough rope and they'll hang themselves, and depending on the rope's placement as home defense, that could be literal.  Leave your doors open with only the screen door as a deterrent?  Crazy you say?  Properly placed fireworks that explode with just the right friction... hmmm.  A drill plugged in to an outlet that turns on when the door is opened?  Wouldn't that be a fun story?  Place "snaps" under things that invariably get stepped on... A frying pan hung in an inconspicuous place, a bag of marbles dumped on hard wood or laminate flooring, man that would be a riot... catching THEM off guard.  My daughter even gave me an idea from something she tried when she was about 10... polish the linoleum with pledge... just try walking across that unawares... flat on the ass is where the crook would end up. 

Why not?  Let's get creative.  Think inside the box ('er your home...) and put an end to this bull crap.

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