Thursday, September 13, 2012

Early am...

Today is my youngest daughter's 17th Birthday... holy crap how time flies when you're having fun! I hope she has a wonderful day filled with smiles and laughter~ Love you Brandi!!

Waking up at 4:30 am is not my forte... I'm not much of a morning person... at all really... but today? Hmmm... I have been trying to convince myself to get up early for the one and only purpose of writing every day. What made today different? I have no friggin' idea but I've been up for about an hour and a half trying to rack my brain and come up with something worth writing... er reading...

I saw a quote or anecdote or something that has been the focus of my attention for a couple of weeks at least and I hope to use it to my advantage: 
"Write something worth reading or do something worth writing." 
Not sure who's quote it is or where I saw it but it sure makes sense. Write something worth reading or do something worth writing. Either one is a tall order.

 I want to focus on the doing. I want to do something that feels productive, is satisfying to the soul, something that matters and that will influence others in positive ways. I don't know what that is yet...

The most productive thing I've done in my life thus far (at least by my own standards) is raise two very beautiful, intelligent, healthy daughters. They are as different as night and day in some respects and very similar in others. If they are all I ever have to offer to the world, I am proud to be their mom and am certain they will do great things in their futures.

Until I know what I'm going to do worth writing, I'll continue to write, hopefully some stuff worth reading, hopefully more often than not, and hopefully re-train myself to getting up earlier to do so. The first step is planting the butt in the chair, so to speak, and putting the words on paper. That much I know.

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