Thursday, October 4, 2012

Accomplishment and Self...

After some self-contemplation and visiting with a couple of friends, I've come to a better understanding of what makes people feel good about themselves, including me.   When you go to work and start a project, you are playing connect the dots most of the time.  You expect an order, a flow that makes sense, and of course, every job has obstacles.  Detours are an unavoidable element because things will never be ideal or perfect.

The most frustrating thing about the obstacles and detours are when they occur because of someone else's negligence, unknown need, or inept ability to follow the protocol.  These elements are beyond your control and create anxiety.  You feel like you're always putting out a fire, and sometimes it's the same fire over and over again because things just aren't flowing smoothly.

The other issue here is that your co-workers or counter associates in other agencies may have other issues that are more pressing, in the workplace, at home, medical issues... the obligations and distractions that each individual faces on any given day are various and multiple.  Some courtesy and compassion can take you far in your requests of others.

The same thing occurs in our personal lives every day pertaining to household matters.  Ideally every member of the family will put their dirty laundry where it belongs, put dirty dishes, empty cans, and garbage in their proper receptacles.  They would put various tools/items back in their proper homes after each use.  They would wipe down the top of the stove and the inside of the microwave after each use.

It's called CAYG!!!  Clean As You Go!!!  Oh boy... I'm on a soapbox now...

I recommend the following remedy, for personal sanity and satisfaction:

First, recognize the fact that you cannot control others.  Realize that how you react is up to you.  Do you like to complain?  Do you like to create drama?  Does your heart race when you get worked up?  Do you feel your face begin to get hot when someone puts a wrench in your plan?  You are internalizing your inability to control others.  Once you recognize these facts, you are better able to address your feeling of failure, i.e. lack of accomplishment due to elements out of your control.

Second, just do it... it doesn't matter if it's creating a new habit, breaking a bad habit; it is about checking it off of your to-do list.  If you do it, you'll feel better.  Start by listing 10 things, right now, today, that are bugging you or that need to be done but you just haven't been motivated.  Your list could be compiled of chores, personal in nature, business related, or even that "someday" repair list... 

It doesn't matter what the context is, what matters is crossing items off of the list and adding new ones.  The sense of accomplishment can start with:  Getting out of bed earlier today than yesterday... doing something you set your mind to feels good.  Fixing something that's broke feels good.  Cleaning something that's dirty feels good.

Before you know it, your to-do list will be full of things you want to do instead of being lop-sided with things you need to do. 

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