Friday, October 12, 2012

It starts with Your Imagination...

Imagine yourself tomorrow... a week from now, a month from now, a year from now.  Can you see it?  It's very difficult for me to imagine the future. 

I've never been very good at setting a goal and then actually making a plan and checking steps off of the list.  I'm trying to change that now.  It's not a New Year's Resolution, because obviously it's October.  It's a step in the right direction though.  I saw an anecdote that said: "No matter how far wrong you go, you can always turn around."  I understand the concept but also realize that even if you turn around from any path to choose another route, things will be different.  You should be one of them. 

Another saying:  "The definition of insane:  Repeating the same thing expecting a different result."  I cannot keep doing what I've been doing and expect a better, or different, outcome. 

Some of the items on my list that I'm currently working on: 

Getting up earlier every day than I have previously.  I've always been a night owl so this is very new and I struggle more with getting to sleep early than I do with getting up early.  I just need to create a new routine at bedtime as well.  The main purpose of this, is to dedicate 30 minutes to writing every day.  I'm about 1/2 way there because I have been getting up earlier every day and writing for 30 minutes 3 times a week.  Now I just need to ease into writing every day for 30 minutes every morning.  I'll be giving that more attention next week.  Wish me luck!

Another one is becoming more physically active.  I bookmarked the "Couch to 5k" website and completed the first day of training... that's one baby step but if I don't set a specific time to get on the treadmill, there will be no tread marks.  So, I believe the next step would mean getting up even a little earlier and either writing for 30 minutes then 20 minutes on the treadmill or vice versa. 

Another one involves creating a budget and sticking to it.  It always feels like we're living paycheck to paycheck but we are very wasteful and also spoiled with some material things.  I'd really like to see how much we could cut back and how much we could actually save if we are determined to do so.  Aaahhh... that's another issue.  We.  It should be easier to maintain and work toward a goal if you have a partner in crime with the same, or at least similar, agenda.  Hoping I can get my family on board to see the importance, not only in living more conservatively, but also the value in the peace of mind knowing you are doing better for the future.

So, three fairly concrete goals for me.  The fourth and last one is to maintain the goals in my thoughts and actions every day, so I will make notes for myself and blog at least once every two weeks on my progress.  I believe that positive things will happen as goals are set and a path will become clear as long as the first step is taken.   


  1. You can do it! I can't offer much advice, but as far as the "Couch to 5k", I'd recommend signing up for a 5k. One that's far enough in the future to give you time to train, but soon enough that it lights a fire and motivates you. Because let me tell you, accomplished goals feel that much better when crossing a literal finish line.

  2. Run first. It's a time for meditation and if you run for a long enough time, it will actually allow you to think of NOTHING! Glorious nothing! =)

    And I second signing up for a race.
